Updated Saturday, January 25, 2025
Registration is open for English Trifle 2025.
Until this year, Trifle has been held over Memorial Day weekend, with activities running from early Saturday afternoon through Monday afternoon in order to avoid horrendous Friday afternoon traffic. Trifle 2024 was at a new location, The Claggett Center, 3035 Buckeystown Pike, Adamstown, MD (a few miles south of Frederick). Although we requested Memorial Day weekend 2025 immediately after Trifle 2024, Claggett was fully booked. After much back-and-forthing, this year Claggett Center will host Trifle again, but for the weekend after Memorial Day weekend – from Friday, May 30 through Sunday, June 1. (We have already reserved Memorial Day weekend 2026.)
Our callers for 2025 are Melissa Running and David Millstone, charming, knowledgeable, and skillful dance leaders. This year our keyboard players are Liz Donaldson and Kathy Talvitie. Violin and viola virtuosas are Tina Chancey and Elke Baker. Multi-instrumentalist Paul Oorts will add mandolin, banjo and concertina to the mix, with flutist Carrie Rose and cellist Sophie Chang adding brilliant high notes and lower register sonorities. And The Sound Guy, Jamie Platt, will work his incomparable magic.
All meals (and tea/coffee and snacks) are included and served cafeteria style, but in a comfortable, carpeted Dining Hall with round tables and real chairs (instead of cafeteria tables with benches). Six meals are included: dinner Friday and Saturday, breakfast and lunch Saturday and Sunday.
We are grateful that Claggett has been able to make space for us. We have been assigned some rooms in Claggett’s Inn (queen beds), three of the small cottages (single beds), and Powell Hall (dorm style). Check back for more updates as we learn more.
We will dance in the air conditioned and ADA-compliant Barn, and we hope to have at least one small workshop (Write a dance? Balfolk? ) somewhere near the Barn.
JUST THIS YEAR Trifle will start on Friday late afternoon. Make allowances for traffic. Check in starts at 3, with a Welcome Dance from 4-6 and dinner at 6:30. We dance all day Saturday. Because Claggett is expecting their NEXT round of guests to arrive on Sunday afternoon, they have asked us to clear the rooms we are using on Sunday morning by 10 am for cleaning, but there will be time for a Farewell Dance and lunch.
Prices for rooms in the Inn are more expensive than for the cottages and Powell, so we have raised the price to $275 per person. There will be a few fellowships available if you can arrive early Friday, help with snacks and the tea break on Saturday, and help load out on Sunday afternoon.
A tentative schedule is available.